JALAWAAYU: Announcements https://journal.cdhmtu.edu.np/index.php/jalawaayu <p>The JALAWAAYU is an interdisciplinary journal of Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences. It is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual open-access journal publishing scientific papers in the field of Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences.</p> en-US Notice: CALL FOR PAPERS _ 1st Issue for volume 2nd (March) 2022 https://journal.cdhmtu.edu.np/index.php/jalawaayu/announcement/view/5 <p><strong><a href="https://cdhmtu.edu.np/journal/index.php/jalawaayu">JALAWAAYU</a></strong> is an interdisciplinary journal of atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences. It is an&nbsp;<br>Open Access international journal. This journal calls original research articles, review articles, and short scientific communications for the second volume_2022 under the following themes:</p> <ul> <li class="show">atmospheric dynamics and general circulation;</li> <li class="show">numerical modeling and forecasting;</li> <li class="show">cloud physics;</li> <li class="show">atmospheric processes (physical and chemical);</li> <li class="show">synoptic meteorology and weather systems in specific regions;</li> <li class="show">mathematical and statistical techniques applied to meteorological and hydrological data sets;</li> <li class="show">applied meteorology (agrometeorology, aviation meteorology, satellite meteorology);</li> <li class="show">climatology;</li> <li class="show">hydrological sciences;</li> <li class="show">applied hydrology (geohydrology, agro-hydrology, ecohydrology, hydropower);</li> <li class="show">limnology;</li> <li class="show">cryosphere;</li> <li class="show">water resources and related topics including water, air and soil pollution, and hazardous waste issues;</li> <li class="show">hydro-meteorological disasters</li> </ul> <p>This journal focuses on research from a broad range of critical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives under all the related disciplines around the world. We first publish your papers online after the completion of the review and editorial processes.&nbsp;</p> <p>For your submission please visit <a href="https://cdhmtu.edu.np/journal/index.php/jalawaayu/about/submissions">this page</a>.&nbsp;</p> JALAWAAYU 2021-12-12 Notice: CALL FOR PAPERS _ 2nd Issue (September) 2021 https://journal.cdhmtu.edu.np/index.php/jalawaayu/announcement/view/4 <p><strong><a href="https://cdhmtu.edu.np/journal/index.php/jalawaayu">JALAWAAYU</a></strong> is an i<span class="fontstyle0">nterdisciplinary journal of atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences. It is an&nbsp;</span><br>Open Access international journal. This journal calls original research articles, review articles, and short scientific communications for the second issue_2021 under the following themes:</p> <ul> <li class="show">atmospheric dynamics and general circulation;</li> <li class="show">numerical modeling and forecasting;</li> <li class="show">cloud physics;</li> <li class="show">atmospheric processes (physical and chemical);</li> <li class="show">synoptic meteorology and weather systems in specific regions;</li> <li class="show">mathematical and statistical techniques applied to meteorological and hydrological data sets;</li> <li class="show">applied meteorology (agrometeorology, aviation meteorology, satellite meteorology);</li> <li class="show">climatology;</li> <li class="show">hydrological sciences;</li> <li class="show">applied hydrology (geohydrology, agro-hydrology, ecohydrology, hydropower);</li> <li class="show">limnology;</li> <li class="show">cryosphere;</li> <li class="show">water resources and related topics including water, air and soil pollution, and hazardous waste issues;</li> <li class="show">hydro-meteorological disasters</li> </ul> <p>This journal focuses on research from a broad range of critical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives under all the related disciplines around the world. We first publish your papers online after the completion of the review and editorial processes.&nbsp;</p> <p>For your submission please visit <a title="Paper submission" href="https://cdhmtu.edu.np/journal/index.php/jalawaayu/about/submissions" target="_blank" rel="noopener">this page</a>.&nbsp;</p> JALAWAAYU 2021-05-03 Notice: CALL FOR PAPERS https://journal.cdhmtu.edu.np/index.php/jalawaayu/announcement/view/3 <p><strong><a href="https://cdhmtu.edu.np/journal/index.php/jalawaayu">JALAWAAYU</a></strong> is an Open Access journal. This journal call for original research papers, review papers, mini-reviews, and short scientific communications. We are currently inviting papers for the following themed article collections:</p> <ul> <li class="show">atmospheric dynamics and general circulation;</li> <li class="show">numerical modeling and forecasting;</li> <li class="show">cloud physics;</li> <li class="show">atmospheric processes (physical and chemical);</li> <li class="show">synoptic meteorology and weather systems in specific regions;</li> <li class="show">mathematical and statistical techniques applied to meteorological and hydrological data sets;</li> <li class="show">applied meteorology (agrometeorology, aviation meteorology, satellite meteorology);</li> <li class="show">climatology;</li> <li class="show">hydrological sciences;</li> <li class="show">applied hydrology (geohydrology, agro-hydrology, ecohydrology, hydropower);</li> <li class="show">limnology;</li> <li class="show">cryosphere;</li> <li class="show">water resources and related topics including water, air and soil pollution, and hazardous waste issues;</li> <li class="show">hydro-meteorological disasters</li> </ul> <p>This journal focuses on research from a broad range of critical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives under all the related disciplines around the world. We first publish your papers online after the completion of the review and editorial processes.&nbsp;</p> <p>For your submission please visit <a title="Paper submission" href="https://cdhmtu.edu.np/journal/index.php/jalawaayu/about/submissions" target="_blank" rel="noopener">this page</a>.&nbsp;</p> JALAWAAYU 2020-12-01